Sunday, 26 January 2014

Weekend Update

Not as many hours hands-on as I had hoped, delayed start on Saturday, visit to port Solent to buy stuff, caught up in Pompey traffic and finally got a few hours in on Saturday afternoon. The plan was to take the old single windscreen wiper off (arm missing anyway) and replace with a new pair of Vetus, parallel arm wipers. The old motor came off OK, then I found the holes were in the wrong place for the new motor. Off to the chandlers for a fibreglass repair kit to fill the old holes, which I did, and the went off nicely. Drilled new holes, started rubbing the outside repair down and ran out of time. Sunday morning, back on the boat to meet Nigel Harley, the original builder, to discuss all the modifications I have planned. We spent a happy morning with tape measure, pencil and paper planning out ideas and generally him coming up with the better ones. After lunch in the marina bar I bid him farewell then back to flatting down that lump. How I wish I had brought down a coarser paper than 240! Skinned knuckles later it is done. Motor in place (tricky on your own as you need to split in two to hold it one side and bolt from the other). Then much wrangling trying to work out how to extend the pantograph arms, and finally it is in place. Decided not to fit the second one as all the wiring is temporary for now. At least I have a functioning wiper so I can see where I am going in the wet.
One last job, check the engine spec: Yanmar 4LHA-STZP folks, 240 horses, and a Bravo 1X leg. 
When I got home I found an email from Garry teasing me with photos of the new dash just out of the mould! I'll wait for the final version before showing off his work but it does look stunning. Here is Rebel Runner's shiny new pantograph wipers.

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